Advent booklet
Commisioned for Church of the Good Shepherd with St. Peter, Lee

As we approach the run up to Christmas during advent the days are growing darker and colder.
'Comfort and Joy' is a much needed sentiment especially this year (2020) due to the global pandemic, rise in deaths and multiple lockdowns which has taught us to be fearful and wary.
I wanted to capture a sense of comfort and joy in both the cover designs and inside illustrations so that the booklet would help distract from the stress and worry of the world around us and help us to find a few moments of peace to immerse ourselves in the wonder and magic of the christmas period.
For this project I was asked to make the front and back cover as well as illustrations to accompany the bible verses inside.
I liked the idea of using a pattern to create a sense of rhythm and order which I think reflects the Christmas period which is full of planning, traditions and merryment!
Angels and doves bring a sense of peace and calm reminding us of the importance of taking time to be thankful for all that we have at Christmas.
As the commision was for a Church I wanted to focus heavily on the religious aspect- having the silhouette of Bethlehem on the back cover to show how advent is the lead up to the birth of Jesus.

Illustrations to accompany the advent stories inside